City Hidden in the rust

Duration: 1 Week


From a distance it appears like any abandoned city amidst the wasteland but there is a haunting beauty from the immense structures that loom over the scorched earth. If one chances to edge nearer, they would hear sorrowful songs every time the wind blows through the man-made landscape: old bones of weathered steel moaning at the slightest pressure, cracks whistling with the passing of air, and signs singing melodies with corroding joints. A strong breeze kicks up dust to reveal willful weeds of greenery sprouting in the shade of bent beams. This capitol is a time capsule of oxidation impervious to the decay of its organic masters that once built it.

Looking past the titian layers one can picture the hustle and bustle of the world it once was. Every building taller than the last the very persona of hierarchy. Technology so vast it built solid beasts of brass to provide people shelter while they now squat in huts composed of scraps.  All things to come from humanity will be a pastiche in comparison to the cities that still stand forsaken.  Those that wonder far and chance upon the metropolis that blends in with the sunset will be able to render its curvilinear constructions to their original purpose. Be willful as the weed and come find the city hidden in rust.


Study Model


“Architecture is a discipline that takes time and patience. If one spends enough years writing complex novels one might be able, someday, to construct a respectable haiku.”

Thom Mayne